Writing Exercises

Are you running out of writing exercise ideas? You've come to the right blog.
I believe, writing - or any other art form - takes practice. Some of us write morning pages, some keep diaries, some write a hundred drafts, others "keep in shape" with writing exercises.
Personally, I prefer writing exercises and am always looking for new ideas. Surely - I assume - I can't be the only writer out there, searching for fresh stimulation. That is why I designed this blog, to share my "starters" with you.
So, plant your butt on a chair and start writing. Better yet sign up and receive my new writing exercise postings via email.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School 3

How involved do you, your children, or grandchildren get about back to school fashion and supplies? It it a good thing or not?

Write for ten minutes without stopping

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Back to School 2

What is the earliest memory of school that you can recall? Is it positive or negative? Why do you think this particular moment stayed with you?

Write one page, nonstop.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School 1

Hurray  - Bohoo - or Who cares?
How do you feel about students returning to school after the summer break?

Write for five minutes.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Friday, August 26, 2011

Waiting 5

Go back to Monday's exercise:
What are you waiting for? How much longer are you willing to wait?
What if you took action today?

Write for fifteen minutes, and then you might feel inspired to keep writing until you find your own answers. 

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Waiting 4

Are you a procrastinator?
Do you make plans for tomorrow, next week, next year, after the next birthday.....
Are you waiting for the right time to.....???
What are the things you keep postponing?
Why do you think that is?

Write for ten minutes nonstop.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, August 22, 2011

Waiting 1

Always, we wait.
We wait for the bus, the lunch break, tomorrow, the love of our life...

What are you waiting for?

Write for five minutes non-stop.
Maybe you will find that you're waiting for something you weren't aware of before.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Weather 5


Picture this:
You're at the beach. Not far from you, you notice a person sunbathing, getting redder by the minute. You decide to go over and warn that person.

How do you start the conversation? What happens next? Does the person get angry at you? Or does that person turn his/her head toward you and it's love at first sight? Or do you recognize the face from a fugitive's picture in the news? 

Write for twenty minutes, yes! 20 minutes today and find out where your imagination goes.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Weather 4


Imagine your home being flooded. You have five minutes to pack your belongings. What do you take and where do you go?

Write for fifteen minutes and see where it leads you.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Weather 3


Which is your favorite season? Why? Did something happen to you during a special summer or winter?

Write for ten minutes nonstop.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Weather 2


Choose from:
- Waterfall
- River
- Ocean
- Lake
- Puddle
- Rain drop

Write for ten minutes without stopping, or at least a page.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Weather 1

Canadians like talking about the weather. For the following week, I will send out an exercise per day, all to do with the weather. Enjoy!

Look over your last written piece, chapter or story and see if you mentioned the weather. If not, incorporate it. Any sense makes a story come more to life.

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, August 1, 2011


If you could have a rain-check for something you missed in life, what would you cash that rain- check in for?

Write for a page, or more if you are on a roll...

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm