Writing Exercises

Are you running out of writing exercise ideas? You've come to the right blog.
I believe, writing - or any other art form - takes practice. Some of us write morning pages, some keep diaries, some write a hundred drafts, others "keep in shape" with writing exercises.
Personally, I prefer writing exercises and am always looking for new ideas. Surely - I assume - I can't be the only writer out there, searching for fresh stimulation. That is why I designed this blog, to share my "starters" with you.
So, plant your butt on a chair and start writing. Better yet sign up and receive my new writing exercise postings via email.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Water 5

We can't live without water, yet water is responsible for some of the most devastating disasters. Surely, there must be tons of stories to write about water!

When was the last time you were in "hot water?"

Write for fifteen minutes or until you remember....

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Water 4

We can't live without water, yet water is responsible for some of the most devastating disasters. Surely, there must be tons of stories to write about water!

Who owns the water?

Write for ten minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Water 3

We can't live without water, yet water is responsible for some of the most devastating disasters. Surely, there must be tons of stories to write about water!

Write about a safe harbor..

Write for ten minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Water 2

We can't live without water, yet water is responsible for some of the most devastating disasters. Surely, there must be tons of stories to write about water!

It's what washed in with the tide....

Write until a page if full.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, June 25, 2012

Water 1

We can't live without water, yet water is responsible for some of the most devastating disasters. Surely, there must be tons of stories to write about water!

Write about learning to swim.

Write for five minutes without stopping.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer 5

Where is our summer? Personally I prefer winter, but let's imagine we are in the midst of a hot and sunny summer.

Write a scene:
- You are walking barefoot on a sandy beach
- Someone/something  is following you
- Still walking barefoot, you are turning into the woods.
- It starts to rain

Write for fifteen minutes. Find out what happens to the person and his/her feet.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer 4

Where is our summer? Personally I prefer winter, but let's imagine we are in the midst of a hot and sunny summer.

Choose two of the three:
- A night in a tent
- "We will talk of this night for a long time."
- She woke up screaming

Write for ten minutes

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 3

Where is our summer? Personally I prefer winter, but let's imagine we are in the midst of a hot and sunny summer.

Choose one of these three:
- Air, wet with humidity
- It's too hot.
- Finally the rain comes.

Write for ten minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer 2

Where is our summer? Personally I prefer winter, but let's imagine we are in the midst of a hot and sunny summer.

Choose one of the three:
- Listen for the nocturnal animals of summer
- Watch fish jump
- Paint a bouquet with summer flowers

Write until you fill a page, don't think, don't stop.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer 1

Where is our summer? Personally I prefer winter, but let's imagine we are in the midst of a hot and sunny summer.

Choose one of the three:
- Write about ripe berries
- Write about your favorite summer drink
- Write about the smell of summer nights

Write for five minutes without stopping.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Line 4

Where is your line?
When did you walk the thinnest, the most daring line?

Write for ten minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Line 3

Where is your line?
When was it the last time you crossed your line? Why?

Write for ten minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Line 2

Where is your line?
Where does your black-and-white turn into grey?

Write freely; don't think; fill a page.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Line 1

Where is your line?
Where do you see the line between creative non-fiction and fiction?

Write for five minutes.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

Friday, June 8, 2012

Plant a seed 5

There are a thousand theories on how to map out a story or a novel. Every writer works differently, however, every story begins with an idea, a seed that germinates. This week's exercises are designed to find new ideas.

From the exercises this week, which one is still on your mind? In other words, which idea is germinating?
Let it sprout and write more about it.

Write for fifteen minutes, or keep going indefinitely.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Plant a seed 4

There are a thousand theories on how to map out a story or a novel. Every writer works differently, however, every story begins with an idea, a seed that germinates. This week's exercises are designed to find new ideas.

-What world news shocked you the most this week?
-What local news shocked you the most this week?
-What family news shocked you to the core?

Write for ten minutes.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Plant a seed 3

There are a thousand theories on how to map out a story or a novel. Every writer works differently, however, every story begins with an idea, a seed that germinates. This week's exercises are designed to find new ideas.

-Do you have - or would you like - a garden?
-Do you - or would you - plant flowers or vegetables?
-How do you - would you - deter predators from eating your crop?

You might prefer to look at these questions metaphorically.

Write for ten minutes without stopping.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Plant a seed 2

There are a thousand theories on how to map out a story or a novel. Every writer works differently, however, every story begins with an idea, a seed that germinates. This week's exercises are designed to find new ideas.

-are you responsible with money?
-do you balance your bank/credit card statements?
-when was the last time you purchased something and paid cash?

Go with your first thought. Write until a page is filled. You might find an interesting character, maybe even an antagonist.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Plant a seed 1

There are a thousand theories on how to map out a story or a novel. Every writer works differently, however, every story begins with an idea, a seed that germinates. This week's exercises are designed to find new ideas.

- write about a dream you remember
- write about your last telephon conversation
- write about an overheard conversation while waiting in line at the grocery store

Choose one and write for five minutes. Go with your first thought.