Writing Exercises

Are you running out of writing exercise ideas? You've come to the right blog.
I believe, writing - or any other art form - takes practice. Some of us write morning pages, some keep diaries, some write a hundred drafts, others "keep in shape" with writing exercises.
Personally, I prefer writing exercises and am always looking for new ideas. Surely - I assume - I can't be the only writer out there, searching for fresh stimulation. That is why I designed this blog, to share my "starters" with you.
So, plant your butt on a chair and start writing. Better yet sign up and receive my new writing exercise postings via email.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dig in your past

Awake childhood memories with one of the following sentence starters:

- My mother once said...
- The worst punishment I got....
- The first time I painted my fingernails...
- When our puppy died...
- Downstairs in our basement....
- My favorite fairy tale....
- I didn't like to eat....
- My best teacher...
- I remember...
- The funeral of....

for more writing exercises go to .... http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

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