Writing Exercises

Are you running out of writing exercise ideas? You've come to the right blog.
I believe, writing - or any other art form - takes practice. Some of us write morning pages, some keep diaries, some write a hundred drafts, others "keep in shape" with writing exercises.
Personally, I prefer writing exercises and am always looking for new ideas. Surely - I assume - I can't be the only writer out there, searching for fresh stimulation. That is why I designed this blog, to share my "starters" with you.
So, plant your butt on a chair and start writing. Better yet sign up and receive my new writing exercise postings via email.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall 1

Today's Writing Exercise

During your next walk, pick a leaf that has fallen from a tree, take it home and write about it. Where did it come from? How far did the wind carry it?

Write without stopping until a page is filled.

For more information about writing exercises, myself or what else I am up to, visit my website: http://www.verenaberger.com/sidelink%20writing%20exercises/writing_exercises.htm

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